{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (683 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1 - 100 of 683)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#682 propunere new defect major 04/27/10
#686 lista transferuri pe clienti new de facut trivial 06/11/10
#720 inventar new sugestii minor 09/27/10
#683 propunere new de facut major 05/14/10
#675 data facturi si avize closed invalid defect major 04/02/10
#651 hjfgj closed invalid sugestii major 09/07/11
#420 nu pot plati anumiti furnizori closed invalid defect major 02/28/08
#685 propunere new sugestii trivial 05/25/10
#674 pret transfer new defect major 03/31/10
#719 recapitulare new defect major 06/29/10
#558 RETURURI NESCAZUTE DE LA NEINCASATE closed invalid defect major 09/22/08
#780 lista clienti new de facut major 02/25/11

Documentatie (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2 Documentatie Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 de facut major taipan 03/05/07

Versiunea 1.0 (87 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#30 Centralizator reprezentanti Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect critical taipan 02/23/07
#26 Site de cumparaturi Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 de facut major taipan 05/09/07
#10 Vanzari pe reprezentant Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 sugestii minor taipan 03/18/10
#34 lista vanzari/cumparari materiale pe mai multe gestiuni Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 de facut minor sorin 03/24/07
#29 nu se genereaza automat in anumite cazuri numarul de intrare/iesire Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect major taipan 02/23/07
#21 de facut utilizator pentru postgres "admin" cu parola "admin" Dezvoltare closed wontfix 1.0 sugestii minor sorin 04/10/07
#15 Fisa client pe interval Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 de facut major taipan 03/20/10
#9 Facturi neincasate apar si cele incasate Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect major taipan 03/18/10
#11 Puncte de lucru Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 sugestii major taipan 09/07/11
#12 Grupe de materiale Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 sugestii major taipan 02/01/07
#25 Copiator retete Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 sugestii minor taipan 02/23/07
#14 Facturare si avize pe formular Dezvoltare closed duplicate 1.0 defect major taipan 09/07/11
#38 Client cu cod de materiale propriu Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 sugestii critical taipan 03/07/07
#27 Data expirare Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 de facut minor taipan 09/07/11
#35 Gestiune de bugetari Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 de facut major taipan 11/29/07
#37 in cazul in care sterge portul de la configurare retea apar tot felul de erori Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect major taipan 03/03/07
#36 de adaugat delegatul la facturi Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 sugestii major taipan 03/03/07
#7 Afisare eronata a listei de retete la descarcare (intrare) Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect major taipan 11/17/06
#28 Fara preturi la iesire si la transfer Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 de facut major taipan 02/23/07
#20 Factura gestoc windows Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 de facut blocker taipan 02/09/07
#4 Bonurile de casa nu trebuie sa apara neincasate Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect critical taipan 11/17/06
#32 la factura format windows nu apare titlul "FACTURA" Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect blocker taipan 02/27/07
#24 balanta eronata Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect critical sorin 02/09/07
#17 La lista de transferuri trebe pusa si gestiunea unde se duce Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect major taipan 01/24/07
#3 Storno iesiri la pret mediu Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect major gdsorin 11/17/06
#39 balanta materiale eronata Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect major taipan 03/05/07
#33 Fisa valorica pe furnizori Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect critical taipan 02/27/07
#19 Retinere discount pe material si client Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 sugestii minor taipan 03/30/07
#13 Importurile Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 sugestii major taipan 03/19/10
#8 probleme fisa de magazie Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect minor taipan 11/01/07
#18 Servicii Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 de facut critical taipan 03/27/07
#31 balanta pe clienti/furnizori eronata Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect major taipan 02/26/07
#1 Nu reface descarcarea cum trebuie Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect critical taipan 11/14/06
#6 Juranle Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect major sorin 11/23/06
#5 Editare nir si pe transferuri Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 sugestii minor taipan 01/15/07
#23 nu se poate storna o intrare cand cantitatea e egala cu totala pe stoc Dezvoltare closed fixed 1.0 defect critical taipan 02/05/07
#629 procent adaos la listele cu adaos closed fixed defect major sorin 06/19/09
#640 propunere closed invalid defect major 06/26/09
#631 va rog sa operati in liste agenti,vanzari valorice:din cont 667 reducerea financiara la valoarea fara tva pe coloana adaos cu semnul minus closed fixed defect major 06/19/09
#641 ma rog.... closed fixed defect major 07/03/09
#642 total factura 9% si 19% closed invalid de facut major 07/31/09
#113 Stoc pe cod de bare closed duplicate sugestii major 08/13/09
#646 implmentare sistem individual; de bonus closed invalid de facut major 07/31/09
#647 dezamagire closed invalid defect major 07/29/09
#639 LIPSA ACTUALIZARILOR SE MENTINE DIN APR.2009 closed invalid defect critical 07/28/09
#638 fisa cantitativa pe client fidel closed fixed de facut major 07/03/09
#637 accesare actualizarii de clienti fideli din fereastra de iesiri closed fixed de facut major 07/03/09
#636 ?!! closed invalid defect major 06/22/09
#616 COMPACTARE SI PENTRU UNITATI DE MASURA closed fixed sugestii major 06/19/09
#643 propunere closed fixed sugestii minor 07/03/09
#632 balanta clienti in conta closed fixed defect major 06/19/09
#654 parere closed fixed defect critical 01/14/10
#658 propunere closed fixed defect major 01/14/10
#662 propunere closed fixed sugestii minor 12/21/09
#380 top gel closed fixed defect major 01/15/10
#660 propunere closed duplicate defect major 01/14/10
#649 propunere closed fixed de facut trivial 09/02/09
#485 erori transfer closed invalid defect major 11/26/11
#50 de adaugat total la bon de consum closed fixed sugestii major 03/25/10
#650 lot pe factura si aviz closed fixed sugestii major 01/21/11
#345 NU INTELEG.. closed fixed defect major 11/26/11
#520 intrebare closed wontfix defect major 07/19/11
#52 bon de consum eronat closed fixed defect major 03/25/10
#648 Trecut registru comert pe neincasate closed fixed defect major 08/24/09
#633 propunere closed fixed defect major 06/19/09
#551 "CIZELARE "... LINII NIR SI BAZA MATERIALE closed wontfix de facut trivial 08/18/11
#515 urgenta closed fixed defect blocker 08/18/11
#524 NECESITATE! - CENTRALIZATOR REDUCERI ACORDATE CLIENTILOR closed invalid de facut major 08/18/11
#51 de facut bonul de transfer closed fixed defect major sorin 09/07/11
#344 PROPUNERE closed fixed sugestii major 12/02/11
#188 Timp prea mare de asteptare closed fixed defect major 09/07/11
#297 STRIGATOR LA CER closed invalid defect major 09/06/11
#466 PROBLEMA closed fixed defect major 08/03/11
#281 propunere closed fixed defect major 12/02/11
#402 INTREBARE closed invalid defect critical 12/02/11
#220 referitor la #219 closed duplicate defect major 12/02/11
#371 de ce..? closed fixed defect major 12/02/11
#337 SE POATE? closed fixed defect major 12/02/11
#596 propunere closed duplicate sugestii minor 11/27/11
#324 Raport de cautare dupa cod material closed fixed de facut major 11/26/11
#575 ASTA ESTE.. closed invalid defect major 11/26/11
#563 sugestie closed duplicate sugestii minor 12/02/11
#218 UPSSSSSSS closed invalid defect major 11/26/11
#599 intrebare closed fixed defect minor 11/26/11
#284 factura.. closed wontfix defect major 11/26/11
#334 PROPUNERE closed fixed defect major 09/07/11
#343 DEFECTIUNE closed fixed defect major 12/02/11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.