{3} All Tickets by Milestone (47 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Release (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#683 propunere de facut new 05/14/10
#780 lista clienti de facut new 02/25/11
#674 pret transfer defect new 03/31/10
#682 propunere defect new 04/27/10
#719 recapitulare defect new 06/29/10
#720 inventar sugestii new 09/20/10
#686 lista transferuri pe clienti de facut new 06/11/10
#685 propunere sugestii new 05/25/10

Versiunea 2.0 Release (39 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#244 PT. PROGRAMUL IDEAL de facut new 11/09/07
#439 nomenclatoare de facut new 03/08/08
#522 grupe de produse de facut new 07/07/08
#526 PERFECTIONARE LISTA MISCARI DE STOC de facut new 07/09/08
#597 sugestie de facut new 01/16/09
#661 propunere de facut new 11/11/09
#668 incasare/plata mai mult decat valoarea facturii de facut new 03/03/10
#223 DE REZOLVAT defect new 10/29/07
#291 postcalcul- cost complet unitar mediu defect new 11/27/07
#410 centralizator inregistrari utilizatori defect new 02/14/08
#430 REZOLVARE URGENTA defect new 03/04/08
#472 PROCES DE TRANSFORMARE defect new 04/09/08
#623 Liste transferuri pe lucrari defect new 03/07/09
#200 balanta analitica pe unitati de masura multiple sugestii new 10/16/07
#242 Compensare sugestii new 11/09/07
#245 de facut sugestii new 11/09/07
#328 ANALIZA PROFIT sugestii new 12/07/07
#335 Minimizare aplicatie sugestii new 12/11/07
#336 situatie incasari -plati sugestii new 12/11/07
#401 PROPUNERE sugestii new 02/07/08
#517 GARFIC VANZARI sugestii new 06/19/08
#544 SCADENTAR CLIENTI sugestii new 07/29/08
#680 Pozitionare si deplasare in documente cu mouse sugestii new 04/13/10
#579 oferte produse de facut new 11/25/08
#585 Bonusuri si penalizari pe agenti. de facut new 11/28/08
#610 top clienti de facut new 02/06/09
#621 propunere de facut new 02/25/09
#408 vizualizare fisa articol de facut new 02/14/08
#442 CALCUL PROFIT de facut reopened 03/11/08
#609 propunere de facut new 02/06/09
#201 fisa furnizor ,client cantitativa pe fiecare unit de masura in parte sugestii new 10/16/07
#229 apropo.. sugestii new 10/30/07
#429 FACTURA INVOICE sugestii taipan new 03/04/08
#431 AVIZ CORESPONDENT FACTURII sugestii new 03/05/08
#432 AVIZE FARA FACTURA sugestii new 03/05/08
#441 Rugaminte sugestii new 03/11/08
#548 SISTEM COMPATIBIL EDI sugestii taipan new 07/31/08
#670 Bifa pret vanzare fix sugestii new 03/16/10
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